江苏自考网 > 自考历年真题试卷 > 2013年10月全国自考语言与文化试题


来源:自考网 2013年10月27日











I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement and blacken your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(20%)

1. Language is vocal. This statement means that the primary medium of language is _____.

 A. writing                                                    B. speech

 C. body language                                          D. native language

2. A person who cannot read or write is only an “illiterate”. However, a person who cannot speak is normally regarded as “disabled”. This fact shows _____.

 A. speech existed long before the writing system came into being

 B. normal children always learn to speak first

 C. speech is more important than writing for people’s daily life

 D. written symbols are designed to represent speech

3. “Statesman” and “politician” can both be used to refer to a high government official. “Politician” conveys a derogative meaning while “statesman” does not. In this sense, the two words are mainly distinguished by their _____ meaning.

 A. conceptual                                               B. connotative

C. social                                                        D. affective

4. Which of the following pairs of English expressions and their Chinese equivalents is NOT correct?

 A. house-warming—房屋供暖                        B. wall clock—挂钟

 C. stop watch—跑表                                     D. contact lenses—隐形眼镜

 5. In which sentence does “it” function only as a grammatical subject and not refer to anything?

 Sentence 1: It is raining.

 Sentence 2: It is 9:00 o ’clock.

 Sentence 3: It is very cold.

 Sentence 4: It is my book.

 A. Sentence 1,2                                            B. Sentence 3,4

 C. Sentence 1,2,3                                          D. Sentence 2,3,4

 6. How many morphemes are there in the word “international”?

 A.0                                                             B.l

C.2                                                              D.3

 7. You invite your English speaking friend to have dinner in your house. When he compliments that the food is very tasty, your response might be “_____”.



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